Heal Into Happy

Co-Creating Heaven on Earth with Brandon Muschenick

Episode Summary

Episode 42: Welcome to Heal Into Happy, I'm your host Lark Allen. Today I am so excited to introduce you to my guest, Brandon Muschenick as we are explore how to co-create heaven on earth together. Brandon is a 27 year old musician from New York who is hoping to use his life experience in the form of power or wisdom, as well as insight and discernment to help you to empower yourself to create a better world, starting from within you so you can empower others as well to fulfill the mission. Ready? Let's go...

Episode Notes

• Well, I just see that comes to mind, I was in a room and I had my partner here at the time, I had a couple of relatives and friends, so we had... I had a girlfriend with me, I have my cousins, and I had some friends, we all just had this quiet moment and I had the music playing, and I could really actually feel like I looked around me, and the key word was I felt a sense of empowerment and I let go of everything else and I was just completely immersed in that moment, my girlfriend, my family, my friends, all together, it all felt like one, and I just... I can't forget that. I could actually feel like the music was reverberation and it was echoing everywhere, it was a sense of empowerment that came with a sense of feeling at one with everything, and I could really just feel like I was in the music and I was immersed in the moment. (03:41)

•  I guess that's the main theme, there is a deep sense of connection. Okay, and I think the point is that as human beings, we have a new potential to foster this kind of connection, maybe not only with other people, but any living creature for that matter... Okay, and I just want to jump back to what I was saying before, it was pretty simple, I was in a room, there was some music playing, common thing, but I just felt like, I made this all happen, I brought it together. I put a particular song on, I was trying to sort of make everybody happy, make myself happy in a way, and regardless of some being friends, some being family, you know my girlfriend, a different gender, not my family. It all felt like we were family. (07:26)

• Yeah, it definitely makes problems out of things that are not problems, it looks for a problem, it becomes for a problem, you could say, for sure. Since we're the creators, we forget that we're the creators regardless of whatever the perceived issue or perceived circumstance, and it takes a lot of practice, it takes a lot of time in practice to get good at this. You can make anything you want out of anything, whether it's good or bad, terrible or even traumatic. For instance, you could look at it as a lesson, you can essentially transform it into something that actually was a stepping stone to growth for instance, and you can heal from it by connecting with other people... That's one good example. Or, like you were saying, go in very deep within yourself and just focusing on the light that is within you until you know God, the source, that energy, that ultimate creative energy is something that is within you when you have full access to this energy at any given time. You have to bypass, the barrier is created by the ego, and you have to be self-aware and attuned to yourself so that you can ultimately make that process complete. (10:21)

•  Insistence on our willingness, whether it be subconscious or conscious, to feed into our own ego mind or a head mind, which we can only do when we're really not aligned or in tune with our own soul. So if we know that we are a soul, that we need to have a magnificent identity, there's no reason to compare or contrast ourselves with anybody or anything, it doesn't matter how we look or what, because we're all unique, we're all a unique piece of the puzzle, not one piece is exactly the same. But it's impossible for that puzzle to exist without each piece, each piece is unique. So there's something about everybody, and I do want people to come together, you know, there's something about everybody that is unique, that they have a gift, and it doesn't matter how they've been looked at or labelled or judged in their life, you just have to look at that thing about you, that gift that you have to bring to the table to the world. And when you embrace that in yourself and embrace that another person too, and you can help them do the same exact thing. And this is how we build a network, this is how we build a team. (17:35)



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